
How To Maintain Golf Cart


Golf carts make it simple to get from point A to point B quickly and easily.

They’re also straightforward to maintain compared to other forms of transportation, which is a big reason why they’ve become just as popular off the golf course as they are on it.

There is some minor golf cart maintenance you’ll need to do once you add golf carts to your property, though. The maintenance will keep your golf carts up and running for a long time and will prevent you from having to do any major repairs.

Here are eight golf cart maintenance tips you should follow at all times.


1. Charge Your Batteries When Your Golf Carts Aren’t In Use

The great thing about using electric golf carts is that you won’t have to worry about filling them up with gas; one less expense that you’ll have to deal with daily.

But when you use electric golf carts, you do need to make sure they’re charged up at all times. Once a golf cart’s battery dies, you’ll have to put it away and let it charge up before you can start using it again.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of charging your golf carts whenever they’re not in use. Doing this will ensure that you always have access to golf carts when you need them.


2.  Clean the Connections in Your Batteries

While you’re checking the water levels in your batteries, go ahead and check the connections within your batteries as well. All the connections should be clean and tight.

You shouldn’t have any corrosion or dirt coating the connections within your golf cart batteries. If you do, create a solution using water and baking soda and clean them. It’ll help you maintain proper connections within your batteries so that they charge correctly.


3. Fill Up Your Tires Whenever They’re Low on Air

Doing golf cart maintenance on your batteries is essential. But the batteries aren’t the only parts of golf carts about which you should be concerned.

You also want to inspect your tires and check the air pressure in them every week or so. If you notice that the air pressure is low, fill your tires up with air right away.

By taking this step, you’ll prevent your tires from wearing out quicker than they should. You’ll also make your golf carts ride a lot smoother.


4. Inspect Your Brakes At Least Once Every Year

Most people don’t drive golf carts very fast. As a result, the brakes on golf carts won’t wear out as quickly as the brakes on other vehicles.

But you should still make it a point to inspect your brakes at least once every year. Your brake pads, drums, and cables all need to be inspected and potentially even adjusted to keep them working correctly.

If you don’t know how to do this yourself, bring your golf cart to a place that can handle maintaining your brakes for you.


5. Watch Out for Oil Leaks

Have you noticed that your golf cart appears to be leaking oil? It could be the rear differential giving you problems.

If you ever see oil on the ground near one of your golf carts, climb underneath it and check to see if there is oil built up on the rear differential. An oil leak could be a sign of trouble.

You should have oil leaks looked at right away to avoid sustaining any severe damage to your golf carts.


6. Make Sure You Don’t Load Up Too Much Stuff on Your Golf Carts

Lots of companies use golf carts to transport items around on their properties. Whether you run a big resort or own a zoo, you might utilize golf carts for this purpose.

As part of your golf cart maintenance, check to see how much weight golf carts can hold and avoid loading them up with too much stuff. Lessening the load will reduce the strain you put on your golf cart’s various parts.


Make sure your employees load items up on golf carts properly as well. Securing the load will keep your employees safe while protecting your golf carts at the same time.


7. Bring Your Golf Carts In for Professional Service Every 12 Months

No matter how much of an emphasis you put on golf cart maintenance, there are going to be certain things you forget to check on golf carts. There are also going to be larger service jobs that you don’t have the time to tackle on your own.

Schedule professional service on your golf carts once every 12 months. Having your golf cart serviced by a professional will allow you to address any issues with your golf carts that you might not catch.


8. Stop Driving Your Golf Carts If You Suspect Issues With Them

If, at any point, you’re driving a golf cart and there seems to be a problem with it, put it in your garage immediately and stop using it.

Outside of the fact that you could do further damage to your golf cart, you could also put yourself, your employees, and others at risk if you continue to drive a damaged golf cart around.


Why Golf Cart Maintenance Is So Important

When appropriately maintained, golf carts won’t need replacing for a long time. You can get more life out of your golf carts by making golf cart maintenance a part of your regular operation. If you do need new golf carts, make sure you invest in the best golf carts money can buy. There are also plenty of golf cart accessories that you can purchase to go along with them.


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